Scenic News

On Laba Festival, Enjoy Tasty Food in the Resort

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  • Time of issue:2021-01-20 15:12

On Laba Festival, Enjoy Tasty Food in the Resort

  • Categories:Scenic News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2021-01-20 15:12

Among Chinese traditional festivals,

each memorable day

seems to be linked with tasty food.

The festival offers people a chance

to eat tasty food.

Chinese New Year follows the Laba Festival

Different Kinds of Laba Porridge

Barley Rice and Soybean Laba Porridge

For people: the elderly with stomach problems

Little tips: Barley strengthens the spleen, nourishes the lungs and clears heat; soybeans are nutritious, rich in fiber and trace elements.


Chinese Date and Longan Laba Lorridge

For people: those who are in deficiency of qi and blood

Little tips: Regularly take date, longan, peanuts, and glutinous rice can efficiently nourish blood, calcium, and iron. Meanwhile, the porridge can be seen as diet cure.


Black Soybean and Black Rice Laba Porridge

For people: people with kidney deficiency

Little tips: Black rice nourishes body’s essential fluid and is good for kidney. Also, it improves eyesight and promotes blood circulation. Black soybean is full of unsaturated fatty acid, calcium, iron, carotene, and vitamin B.


Pine Nut and Walnut Laba Porridge

For people: growing children

Little tips: pine nut, walnut, raisin, and peanuts are full of protein. Proper collocation of food and nutrition can do good to the growth of children.


Oat and Buckwheat Laba Porridge

For people: those who suffer from high blood pressure, high blood glucose, and high blood lipid

Little tips: Oat can can reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, and buckwheat is rich in chromium, which is an ideal hypoglycemic substance.

There are various kinds of Laba porridge,

and each has its own strengths

You can follow your dietary preferences

to make reasonable collocations and adjustments~

Of course, if you want to enjoy other tasty food,

there are many more options

in this neighborhood that is home to gourmets.

Let’s follow the footstep of Xiaoying,

and find everything delicious.

Come and find your flavor!

Nutritious, healthy, and yummy kids’ set

delicate thematic environment for meal

Mixed cuisine with familiar flavor

Take in cultural essences, and cover all delicious cuisine of water townships

Dinner on boat, dream about Jiangnan

Sit beside lake, enjoy picturesque scenery 

Delicious full old-time Wuxi flavor

The inviting and charming look of the cuisine

enlivens the traditional Jiangnan flavor


Go and Eat! At such a wonderful festival!

Yingyue Tiandi the wonderland of tasty food

is waiting for you~


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